- #Fremea seivelun a certain magical index wiki manual#
- #Fremea seivelun a certain magical index wiki code#
- #Fremea seivelun a certain magical index wiki series#
Tomato in the Mirror: She only realizes her true nature when a piece of rubble damages her head, revealing that it's hollow and has a core inside. Superpower Lottery: According to the released Power Level charts, she's just a little bit less powerful than Archangel Gabriel and fully-Awakened Accelerator. Laser Blade: Her powers allow her to manifest one. Fricking Laser Beams: Can fire laser beams up to 10 kilometers in range. Flight: As FUZE=Kazakiri and at several times the speed of sound. Anti-Magic: Since her manifestation as FUZE=Kazakiri requires large amounts of AIM, her presence essentially causes nearby magicians to be damaged due to the toxicity of AIM to magicians. Combo-Platter Powers: Her powers while in FUZE=Kazakiri mode manifest as:. Our Angels Are Different: Via the use of the Misaka Network and a special code, she becomes the artificial angel, FUZE=Kazakiri. One-Winged Angel: Her FUZE=Kazakiri forms, shown in Volume 21. MacGuffin Girl: As the key to the Imaginary Numbers District and her connection to the MISAKA network, she is needed in Aleister's plan to create an Artificial Heaven. Cosplay: Like Index, she's a fan of the show "Magical Powered Kanamin", and once dressed up as the villain. As an angel, she's capable of clashing against Archangel Gabriel. Boobs of Steel: Even in her initial form, she can hold back a giant golem. #Fremea seivelun a certain magical index wiki series#
Artificial Human: Of a sort, although her classification in the series is an angel. #Fremea seivelun a certain magical index wiki code#
A special code from the Radio Noise network allows her to manifest as the Artificial Angel, FUZE=Kazakiri. She is actually an aggregation of AIM from espers. Her ability is "Counter Stop", although its function is unknown. Not much is known about her aside from the fact that she was an overachiever at Kirigaoka Girls' Academy, according to Aisa. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO Janna2000, SelfCloak or RRabbit42. The Trope workshop specific templates can then be removed and it will be regarded as a regular trope page after being moved to the Main namespace.
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